ENet is a platform that provides large business customers with direct access to various energy markets. ENet supports electricity, gas and heat.
Large sums of money are involved in the energy world, and margins are very thin. There is also a significant amount of data that must be processed accurately. This is a continuous process. It is not possible to correct an error afterwards. ENet has a perfect history of reliability and stability.
In 2003, we (Visiq) were commissioned to develop a simple application with which horticulturists could trade energy directly on the APX. Halfway through the project, the client went bankrupt. Fortunately, we found a partner in Ecofys with whom we entered into a partnership in Endon. We then had to implement the functions that the client would have performed in ENet ourselves. In the years that followed, many functionalities were added to ENet. Unfortunately Endon Nederland went bankrupt at the end of 2012 as a result of the bankruptcy of the main trading partner, Trianel BV
In addition to Endon Netherlands, ONS, Trianel, Twence have also used ENet as tenants.
Important functions
ENet functions towards the market as a Pseudo-PV and implements most PV processes. The formal PV sends copies of all Edine messages to ENet. ENet receives data such as gain and loss, master data, meter reading, allocation data and measurement correction factor messages. ENet generates E-Program and T-Program. It supports allocation and profile connections.
Futures contracts

Futures contracts are agreements between market parties that deal with the supply and consumption of energy in the future. A futures contract has an equity, a start and end date and a delivery schedule.
It is very important that these contacts are properly administered. Errors can have major consequences. That is why the workflow around the conclusion of a futures contract is also automated.
Day A Head / APX

The APX scheme is a scheme for an installation and the current price.
- A customer has a CHP and a gas boiler. If the price for electricity falls below 40 euros, it’s better to generate the heat with the boiler.
- A horticulturalist uses lighting, but that may only cost a maximum of 100 euros/MWh.
- A horticulturalist has lighting that can be set to 50 percent and 100 percent. He wants 100 percent at less than 75 euros/MWh and 50 percent at less than 150 euros/MWh.
The customer can enter his APX scheme himself, but ENet can also do that for the customer.
- Based on the desired number of operating hours. ENet then determines itself, on the basis of historical data, what is expected to be the best APX hours
- Based on historical allocation
- Based on profile fractions and measurement correction expectation.
The APX schemes are used to create the APX bids per tenant. Active futures contracts are taken into account when making APX bids.
Market information

ENet collects all kinds of market information such as Endex prices, APX prices, imbalance prices and balance delta. This data can be presented in table form or graph.

Allocation is the amount of energy consumed or supplied by a connection. ENet receives allocation data for connections to the public energy network via the PV. Optionally, ENet receives measurement data via the RMC. Measurement data is easy to convert to allocation via a measurement correction.
With electricity, the PV receives provisional allocation data twice and the final data two weeks after delivery. The RMC measurement data is real time. ENet use the RMC measurement data as long as the allocation data is not correct and not final. So that the customers can immediately see reliable results.
The RMC measurement data is also used to validate the PV allocation data. If the PV allocation data is incorrect, there is still two weeks to have the measurement data corrected by the metering company.

ENet has different result reports on PTE, hour and day. All these reports can be at installation, connection or contract level.

All time-related data can also be displayed in a graph. Customers can compile their own graphs of market prices and results, among other things.

The invoices are generated at the touch of a button. These invoices are immediately processed in the financial administration and the PDF files can be sent or printed.
Financial administration
A lot of money is involved in the energy world, which is why an error-free financial administration is a must. Since the margin is very thin - a few percent - small mistakes have major consequences. Purchases and sales must enter the profit and loss account at the right time. Date and period correctness are a must.
That is why ENet has its own accounting system where date and period correctness are included in every entry.
2005 - 2015
C #, SQL Server 2000, Transact-SQL, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SilverLight, Edine, Edifact, XSLTransforms
My function
Fully developed in-house, from functional design to software development.